In a city known for unique neighborhoods, Hampden is arguably one of Baltimore's most distinctive. Centered on West 36th Street, known as the avenue, it is a unique stretch of indie shops, selling everything from quirky art to on trend clothes. From dive bars to retro diners, some of the city’s most imaginative chefs make it a creative culture center. Not only is Exit10 close enough to personally enjoy this part of the city, we have had the ongoing privilege of helping Hampden solidify and promote its community, from identity materials to event promotions.
Take a ride through Hampden, quite literally. This video shows you what a day in the life of a lucky person who gets to live or visit this great neighborhood feels like. The viewer sees storefronts, smiling faces and the unique finds in shops, as well as the acclaimed indie music band of the night. Exit10 mounted a Canon DSLR to a motorcycle helmet for footage and used fantastic in-house editing in hopes to encapsulate this truly unique slice of Baltimore.
Hampdenfest began as a local community event organized by the Hampden Village Merchants Association and the Hampden Community Council. It soon evolved into a neighborhood arts and music festival of community merchants on and around West 36th Street. Hampdenfest features three stages of music and art performances, an activity area for kids, as well as four blocks of arts and crafts vendors and other wares from a wide range of merchants and artists. Exit10 has had the pleasure of designing many of the posters, marketing, and identity for this now high profile festival.
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Exit10 is always looking for the best available talent. We might not necessarily have an immediate need or a current job listing, but we still recommend you reach out to us. We know we're only as good as our people. So if you have what it takes to succeed here, we’ll figure out a way to bring you on-board, whether we are currently hiring or not. View our current listings below, typically up-to-date.
Exit10 is always looking for the best available talent. We might not necessarily have an immediate need or a current job listing, but we still recommend you reach out to us. We know we're only as good as our people. So if you have what it takes to succeed here, we’ll figure out a way to bring you on-board, whether we are currently hiring or not. View our current listings below, typically up-to-date.